Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rachel turns 3!

Ok, it's been a long time since I last wrote. I'm pretty bad at this blogging thing. Rachel just turned 3 yesterday. We had a little bowling party for her with cupcake decorated with Dora the Explorer face. It came out really good. I will get pics up later. Rachel was LOVING it! The bowling alley was busy and overloaded with back to back parties. It was pretty crazy but the kids had fun.

Logan also had his first official sleepover at a friends house last night. Of course, Sean and I were there until about 10 and know he was tired and ready for bed. No phone call to pick him up in the middle of the night. I'll see how it went when I pick him up later.

ACCCKKK!! Just realized that my computer's clock and my alarm clock said different times. Almost forgot about the time change.
Anyways, back to blogging....let's see...Rachel is registered for the 2 day preschool for next year and Logan is also set for Kindergarten too. Just have the Kindy placement testing over the summer. My little babies are growing up too fast!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone...does anyone actually read this? I sure don't write often. The kids have taken over my computer most of the time. I don't kick them off because they are playing educational games and LEARNING!! Christmas is almost here, and we have yet to send the gifts to family. Ooops, so they get to open more presents after.
We took our own holiday photos and took several of them and made them into Christmas cards. I think the pics turned out great! I don't think the 2 would have cooperated in a studio in front of a stranger.
The pic with Rach sticking out her tongue is my favorite! It totally captures Rachel's personality and Logan looks so cute.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and who knows when I'll write next. I'm such a bad blogger.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

WOW! It's been a long time since...

It's been a while since I posted any of my knitting. So, here's a bunch of recent customs.
--Anchor Pants
--Apple Pants
-- Giraffe
-- 70's Peace
-- and Rach modelling a pompom hat

I know I have some more but can't find where I saved them right now.

I love those hats! So cute and soft and warm! I still need to make a bunch of L & R before it starts getting cold.

If you are interested in custom pants or hats, check out my Etsy store or join my yahoo group for up to date info .

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rachel's Drawing

I've been bad about writing here. The kids don't give me much computer time. I'll just do a quickie right now.

Rachel has been doing alot of drawing. She's actually gotten pretty good at drawing people. See her uploaded pic to the left. That was a picture of Daddy. LOL. Logan loves to draw pics of cars, monster trucks, and trains. I'll have to get him to draw more so I can get some pictures.

Logan starts his first day of Preschool this afternoon. He's excited to go. Rachel wants to go to, but her birthday falls after the cutoff, so, she'll have to wait until next year to go. She'll be upset when I have to drag her out after dropping Logan off today. I'm going to try to get video of his first day with our new camcorder. Good thing that and our camera didn't get stolen when our van was broken into. We lost all the kids dvd's, our radar detector, all our camping gear, and a bunch of other stuff. Auto insurance doesn't cover any of that, so Lesson learned. ALWAYS KEEP THE DOORS LOCKED! Ok, I hear Rachel playing with water in the bathroom.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rainbow Skullies

Here's a custom I did for an awesome Mama! She wanted a black rainbow with the jolly roger on the bum. She doesn't need them until late fall/winter, so I made them with plenty of growing room. I love how the colors just POP with the black.
I used lighter shades of the rainbow for that purpose. I love it! Only thing I didn't like was weaving in the millions of yarn ends, but the results are just STUNNING! I may have to make Rachel a pair...someday.

I have a bunch of customs lined up, so I'll be busy for a while.

It's been a while since I last wrote. We recently drove 'home' to NH/MA to visit family. I got to hold my newest nephew who was only 2 weeks old at the time! He just had his muin yeut, so about 1 month old. I don't have any pics, we mainly used our new digi cam for videos. Once we get that on the computer, I'll get some on here.

For now, here's 2 pics from July 4th.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Little Longies

I finished a couple Longies - size smalls. First is Here Kitty colorway from Elliebelly on think and thirsty ORGANIC Merino wool. I had to frog it several times because I didn't like how it was knitting up and decided to change needle sizes. This particular pair is already going to a home, but I do have another skein waiting....

The second pair is in the Grime colorway from Bugsnugger on BFL. This pair, I would say is a Small/Medium size. I love how silky and soft BFL yarn is! Grime is up for sale in my Etsy store.

I really should find the time to start organizing my labels here, so I won't have a million posts to edit later on and my 'business' pictures and files. I also need to fix up my collections of yarns and craft supplies. Ohhh, I wish I had a room dedicated to my yarn and crafts.

Lounging around

Rachel likes to unlock the door and sit out on the patio....all by herself. She's so quiet and stealthy about it that several times, I didn't even know she had gone outside. Luckily, she doesn't go past the rocks.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not wanting to sleep

The other night, both kiddos didn't want to sleep, so we let them hang out on our bed watching a little video to calm them down. They ended up being silly and things turned into a photo shoot. Sorry the photos are all jumbled. I still haven't figured everything out on here. Can you see Rachel's hair is starting to grow longer??!! She still wants me to put her hair up ("pretty hair" is what she calls it), then ends up pulling them out before she gets to the end of the hallway.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Great Package

I ordered some diaper covers and a pillowcase dress from Bean & Beagle on Etsy. I am in LOVE!!! DH thinks they are cute and easy too and doesn't mind changing her (except the poopy ones). Why didn't I just CD full time from the start instead of using disposables? Of course, I didn't know of all the different options and styles back then. All I had to use was the Gerber cloths and vinyl pull up covers, which I tried, and did not like at all. As soon as I put it on, My child would immediately pee, and it was a pain to pull down the covers on a little baby.

I like having the wrap style. It makes it easier to put on and change, since Rachel is not really going on the potty. I made some very large contoured pocket inserts (kinda like mini diapers, I guess) to use with them. I think they work great. I am able to stuff microfiber towels inside so they don't touch her skin, and it offers more coverage from the PUL too. When changing, I take out the wet mini diaper, wipe out the inside of the cover, lay in a new mini and fasten on. I can reuse the cover several times before using a new one.

YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH to not having to wash a small load of diapers every day!! Hmm...I may have to make some more to try to only do a diaper load every other day. If that's the case, I will need to get a big wet bag and some smaller ones for travel and bedrooms. Cloth Diapering isn't so bad.